AAR Meeting Book Display

AAR Meeting Book Display

Thursday, September 30, 2010

First post

This is my first post on my first ever blog site. The name of my blog page comes from Nicholas Lash, one of my all-time favorite theologians. He published a book in 1986 called 'Theology on the Way to Emmaus.' As he says, 'The story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus can serve as a parable for the task of Christian interpretation' and I might add, for the task of Christian theology in general. Theology is always 'on the way,' never finished, and never at rest. We are pilgrims on the way to Zion, hopefully nearing the heart of God.


  1. Excited! Looking forward to your insights.

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere, Adam! I look forward to following your posts--and to reading your book soon.

